Ist CBD und sein Besitz in Deutschland legal?

Is CBD and its possession legal in Germany?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is becoming increasingly popular in Germany, but many people are unsure about the legal situation surrounding the possession and consumption of CBD. Here we offer a detailed overview of the laws, regulations and current positions in Germany.

Legal basis:

The legality of CBD in Germany is based on the Narcotics Act (BtMG). According to this law, cannabis is illegal, but CBD extracted from hemp plants with a THC content of less than 0.2% is considered legal.

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive substance in cannabis, and the low THC content in CBD products is intended to ensure that they do not have intoxicating effects.

Sale and purchase:

CBD products that meet legal requirements can be freely sold and purchased. This includes oils, capsules, flowers and other forms of CBD. It is important to ensure that the products meet the prescribed THC limit to avoid legal problems.

Medical use:

CBD is also used for medicinal purposes and can be purchased legally with a doctor's prescription. In this context, higher THC levels can be tolerated, depending on the doctor's recommendation.

Controversy over Novel Food:

There is an ongoing debate about the classification of CBD as a "novel food" in the European Union. This could lead to further regulations. However, CBD products are currently still legally available.

Local differences:

It is important to note that there may be regional differences within Germany. Some states may have more specific regulations, and local authorities may vary in how they enforce the laws.

Current developments:

The legal situation regarding CBD can change. It is therefore advisable to regularly check for updates and seek legal advice if you are unsure.

Overall, CBD and its possession are legal in Germany as long as the products meet legal requirements. Nevertheless, it is important to keep an eye on legal developments and to handle CBD responsibly.